First Test Match against a strong human player


I - Introduction

II - The games

III - Some key moments



I - Introduction

The match was played on Thursday, 18 June 1998.
It was a 6 game match at a speed time control : 10'/side + 5 seconds/move
ZChess faced a 2360 FIDE elo player.


II - The games

Round ZChess color Result The game
1 Black Win PGN
2 White Draw PGN
3 Black Lose PGN
4 White Lose PGN
5 Black Lose PGN
6 White Draw PGN


III - Some key moments

Game 5:

In this position, ZChess has just played 15 ... Bb4
but its opponent find a wonderful reply !

16. Nfxe5 !!, a very impressive move, sacking the rook on e1.

The game continued with : 16. Nfxe5 Bxe1 17. Qxe1 Nc5?? (Nb4 was the only move) 18. Ba3! and black (ZChess) can resign.